Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lastest Update

This is part of a recent e-mail I sent to a relative giving an update on how I'm

Thanks for your concern and prayers. My mobility is increasing to where
my walking is about back to normal. That is normal for a 65 year old (not as good
as when I was 25). I am noticing that I tend to need more rest and a good
45 minute to an hour nap late morning/early afternoon is needed. However that
is really not new as I've operated on that principle for many years (except the
naps are getting a bit longer--well a good bit longer). I notice I'm still physically
weaker than normal but seems to be gaining there also.

The shots I received about 3 weeks ago seem to be working (am getting some
very mild hot flashes) and will be getting another shot next weekend (July 21).
Over the next six months or so I'll be getting some of the scans redone to monitor
the growth (hopefully shrinking) of the cancer. The shots are helping me to sleep
on my back again (a problem before).

I am active walking and swimming and working on various research, writing and art
projects. I have started going back to church services and other social activities.
I have resigned from my part time job. Physical labor to any great extent may be a
part of the past for me.

My attitude is good not depressed--there's too much to do for that. I desire to make the
most of the time I still have whether its 5 or 10 years or more or less. Still have things
I want to do. I thank God that I've had the amount of time on this Earth that I've had.
I am looking forward to Heaven but I think that is still a ways off.