Recently I've been having some pain and swelling on my right side below my
rib cage. I went to the doctor Monday and he ordered a x-ray of my spine and ultra sound tests of my bladder and kidneys.
I had the x-ray Monday (Nov 25) and the ultra sound tests today. I had a return appt. with my doctor today and the x-ray showed that I had a fracture in my 8th thoracic vertebra. Before the x-ray we thought it might be a kidney stone.
However the fractured vertebra may be cancer-related. I will
probably be having an MRI next week to get a more detailed assessment of the situation.
At this point I have some pain in the side (achey type pain) and am using a prescription high powered pain killer to deal with it. I'd appreciate your prayers that i'd be smart enough not to do any lifting that could aggavate the situation even more.
Once we get the other tests done then we can look at further treatment.
I am mobile walking and so forth--but slower.